Weight of a baby pram - myths and facts


It is a myth that every good pram or stroller can be as light as a feather. This is only possible for models with exceptionally fine structure, that is, for umbrella strollers and light prams for travels, e.g. by Gb Pockit (Good Baby) - only 4kg, models by Mac Laren or environment-friendly prams by Greentom Upp - up to 7 kg.



Another myth is the belief that it is impossible to reconcile very low weight of a stroller with very good comfort of ride. It is impossible as the full amortization on rough roads is guaranteed only by solid, pumped and pneumatic wheels and these, unfortunately, have their weight.



There also exists a false stereotype that deep strollers for newborns can be as light as a typical umbrella stroller. Few months after his or her birth, a baby cannot sit firmly so it is necessary to buy a gondola in which we can put him safely, and these also offer protection from wind and cold. Gondola itself weighs 4-5 kg, so contrary to the popular belief, it is impossible to reconcile these issues and there is always "something for something".


Another erroneous assumption is the belief that heavier stroller is a priori worse than its lighter counterpart. Sometimes this happens but it is no regularity. Weight is an important criterion of evaluation but if at the expense of reducing weight of a stroller, structural strength is lost, protection of a baby from cold or ride characteristics and comfort are worse, there arises the obvious question “if this is worth the effort?"



Another relatively well-established stereotype is that lighter strollers are easier to control. Yes, they often have better maneuverability and are easier to fit in narrow aisles but smaller, non-amortized wheels make ride comfort much worse than it is the case with strollers with inflatable wheels.



The last myth that must be addressed is the conviction that lighter models are automatically nicer and more expensive. Reasonable weight reduction is reflected in price but often the most expensive, luxurious strollers are really heavy, but in return they offer above-average exclusivity, elegance and wonderful, soft construction. Classic strollers like Kensigton Silver Cross or Balmoral Inglesina Classica can even weigh more than 30 kg and are very expensive (4000-7000 PLN). When it comes to their look, this is always relative. We all know that it is hard to discuss tastes so we'll leave it to individual preferences of each client and finish with this quote: "it is not nice what is nice but what one likes." Besides, most customers speak about their own tastes.




It is a fact that a good stroller will have its own weight, even if its frame is made of aluminum, which is nowadays already a standard. Of course, manufacturers seek to reduce weight of their stroller, but they cannot deny physics. Something for a product to be robust, durable and of good quality, it must be small size and have a cross-section. Therefore, a solid aluminum frame will weigh no less than 8 kg.



Why are we looking for light and small strollers?


The issue of stroller weight concerns mainly parents living in large and medium-sized cities and in blocks of up to four floors because they have no elevators and you have to bring stroller on higher floors yourself. For women and some men it becomes a serious problem when they have to bring their stroller and a baby onto higher floors. Then even the lightest stroller is problematic and this cannot be done without effort. And nowadays many of us do not like to make any effort.



Often the problem is solved by leaving stroller downstairs or in basement, but as we know from experience, this is not always reasonable because of the risk of theft or vandalism. It is also worth to mention that in addition to weight, the second priority criterion is the ease of packing stroller into one’s car. Most of us have small and medium-sized cars, and then this feature is of greatest importance. Only happy owners of large limousines do not have think about it.